If you're talking about the current, still available Blue Hammer -
On true light oil,
(If we see oil in this type of sequence: burnt heads/dry, light, medium-light, medium, medium-heavy, heavy oil)
I found the stock 4000 grit surface to be able to clear even light oil very well and easily. I am somewhat rev-dominant. I tried polish, but even on light oil, it went too far. 4000 grit dull gave good, controllable length, with decent backend (closer to resin than to true urethane, but still somewhere in between) and excellent carry, as long as there was no carrydown. It seemed exceptionally susceptible to carrydown.
I found this ball more controllable and better hitting than the SuperNatural which, for me, was very inconsistent, although it had a stronger, more resin-like backend than the BH.
If you're matched or speed dominant, & using it on true light oil, you may need more surface than I used. Try 2000 or 3000 grit.