My BWP "died" within the past few weeks. I haven't had the time to get it resurfaced, so I took this out of the bag.
The ball in general didn't work too well on THS for me. It worked great at tournaments, I just didn't like the look it gave back during league.
Chitown suggesed in a PM that I hit the ball with some polish. I broke down and applied some Powerhouse Factory Finish polish on it.
All I can say is that on THS it's great.
By far and away THE benchmark ball for me. It has that same smooth clearance through the heads, a strong midlane read (just pushes farther down lane) and comes off the dry smoothly. Basically the same reaction, just gives the look I want for the shot.
The downside is that the league has put down a very heavy shot since there is a 2nd shift after us. As a result I don't have a heavy oiler anymore...I guess it's time for a Beat'n or something.
Anyways...polished Anger FTW! (since we're using acronyms)