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Author Topic: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?  (Read 4445 times)


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Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« on: July 14, 2006, 12:58:17 AM »
It just seems they are really on top of their game right now, and I'm considering going to an all Hammer lineup.  Heck, my first ball was a Burgundy (which I still have and have been considering redrilling for light) and my first HOOK ball (the burgundy was conventional) was a Sling Blade.  Heck, if it were 15 I might STILL be using that ball!  But after having the Doom for awhile, I'm really excited about the whole line.  If I put the Doom in the middle, what would be a good choice to go above and below it for a 3 ball arsenal?  I was thinking a purple Vibe and maybe a Pain.
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I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2006, 09:02:49 AM »
I don't see a lot of people going all Hammer.  Do you mean do we see in the future  people going all Hammer or do we see out and about people are using all Hammer?

I do check out what other people are using when I bowl and I either see people using Storm stuff or The One or Big One.  Occasionally, I'll see a Columbia ball here and there like a Bully.
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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2006, 09:06:01 AM »

I'm talking more about future tendencies, as in I think we WILL start to see more people going all Hammer.  For the price, I don't think the Raw series can be beat, and I only see it getting better.
Check out my bowling journal!

I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2006, 09:19:40 AM »
It's possible that in the future it could happen.  The Black Widow is pretty hot and I am considering one.  If I could convince myself I could find a use for it and get past the size of the logo.  I do like the Gas Mask core balls a lot.  They are seriously wicked and I want one.  From how everyone is describing the Black Widow, it sounds just like the Big Blue and Big Deal.  

Then you have your Hawgs and your Raw Hammers.  Why not go all Hammer?

I really think you can make any ball work so it's really what do people prefer.  I think on a pro shop shelf (or whatever you call those things), the Hammers will stand out next to the pukey looking Columbia and Brunswick balls.  They are pretty sharp looking.  

Maybe the Raw Hammer series can't be beat, but it is certainly matched...  So really it comes down to people's preferences.

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Living in their pools they soon forget about the sea...
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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2006, 10:23:04 AM »
My next ball will be a Pain, to go above my Doom.
The Vibe will be my next ball after the Pain.
My Raw Doom is great on my Thursday night Sport shot at Beverly.
I match up pretty well with it.

Ryan, I don't think you can go wrong with those 3 balls.
Maybe a Black Widow as an addition down the road.

Duke Harding


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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #5 on: July 14, 2006, 10:34:08 AM »
The backend move on the Black Widow scared me a little bit.    I don't know if I could control a ball like that.  I do think that the Pain, Doom and Vibe could be a great (and cheap!!) three ball arsenal.
Check out my bowling journal!

I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.


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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #6 on: July 14, 2006, 10:39:53 AM »
No I don't. What I do see is people doing more mix and maxing then in the past, using bowling balls from several different companies at the same time rather then going to an all one company arsenal. I think hammer has winners with the Doom and Black Widow both of which will make many a person's bag over the next year or so. But, most people use only two bowling balls, three at most and under those circumstances at least one of those bowling balls will be more than a year old, probably older.


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #7 on: July 14, 2006, 11:05:24 AM »
Yeah also you have to think, what do you mean by people exactly?  Which kinds of people?  I think most people just buy what they like and don't care which company it is.  Otherwise you are missing out on potentially good balls right?  Hammer has a couple of the coolest stand-out balls out there now, so probably as the year goes on more and more people will grab those.

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Living in their pools they soon forget about the sea...
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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #8 on: July 14, 2006, 11:22:18 AM »

It just seems they are really on top of their game right now...

Is that why P.A. left?  
Joking.. we all know it basically has nothing to do with the equipment and everything to do with the money...

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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #9 on: July 14, 2006, 11:53:06 AM »
I think most people just buy what they like and don't care which company it is.

All else equal, that's probably true.  However, what I'm seeing is that people are buying what the pro shops are recommending to them.  So if a given shop is run by someone with a ball company affiliation...well, you know the rest.
...formerly "The Curse of Dusty," and "Poöter Boöf" before that...

Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #10 on: July 14, 2006, 12:04:02 PM »

All else equal, that's probably true.  However, what I'm seeing is that people are buying what the pro shops are recommending to them.  So if a given shop is run by someone with a ball company affiliation...well, you know the rest.

Ah you are correct there.  

Current Arsenal:
Geddy Lee
Living in their pools they soon forget about the sea...
Disclaimer: Yes, I know who writes the lyrics.


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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #11 on: July 14, 2006, 12:17:38 PM »
Hey splendorlex not to rain on your parade but I checked your profile and I see that last fall you finished with a 165 avg and 182 avg current in you summer league. You list your high series as a 624.

With these avg's, I would NOT worry about new gear that much, looks like you got a Big One, Doom & Vapor Zone among others..Thats way to much gear for your avg...All you need is 1 ball and just pratice with that.

When just starting out and your learnig how to hook the ball, hit you mark, find a line ect...Going through 20+ balls will hurt you game, more then help it.

Pratice your spare game as well..If a bowler can pick up most of there spares, that almost a 200 avg right there...Add in a 2 or 3 bagger now in then, you then aug 210.
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Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2006, 12:19:44 PM »
Dang that's kind of harsh.


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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #13 on: July 14, 2006, 12:23:48 PM »
I kind of agree with 302efi.. I see alot of 165-175 averages bowlers that talk about having 4 or 5 bowling balls and buying every new ball out and honestly, that makes no sense at all..

Why not use that extra money to take a couple of lessons from a reputable coach.. That will for sure raise you average faster than buying another new ball..

Once again, each person is free to buy and do whatever they want to improve thier game, but from my experiences, solid spare shooting and a positive attitude will take most people to the next level in bowling..
Official member of the Texas Express, 2005-2006 Scratch Doubles Champions!!!!!

on 4/18/06: 193 298 193, now thats a consistant league night, huh?? LOL..
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Re: Do you see a lot of people going all Hammer?
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2006, 12:29:56 PM »
It just seems they are really on top of their game right now, and I'm considering going to an all Hammer lineup.  Heck, my first ball was a Burgundy (which I still have and have been considering redrilling for light) and my first HOOK ball (the burgundy was conventional) was a Sling Blade.  Heck, if it were 15 I might STILL be using that ball!  But after having the Doom for awhile, I'm really excited about the whole line.  If I put the Doom in the middle, what would be a good choice to go above and below it for a 3 ball arsenal?  I was thinking a purple Vibe and maybe a Pain.
Check out my bowling journal!

I'm not a bowler, but I do play one on Ballreviews.

If you don't like Wrigley, you might as well leave the country and join the Taliban.

I do not see a lot of people going all hammer but I have noticed more people with hammer ballz in there hands. They have not been releasing anything bad latly.
Zack Pelton
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