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Author Topic: Doom drilling  (Read 1483 times)


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Doom drilling
« on: March 03, 2006, 03:51:23 AM »
OK, I've seen enough good things about the Doom to consider getting one. A question about drill patterns though.

Basic specs: I am a righty and would consider myself a tweener, with decent revs (afraid I don't have a rev rate I can give you though) but not a cranker by any means. Pretty standard as far as axis tilt and whatnot with a PAP of 5 and up about 1/2. Speed is in the low to mid 16 MPH range. Bowl on anything from a THS to PBA type tournament shots.

I have a couple balls drilled with pin above bridge with it and the CG on the gripline. I like the move they make, but they just aren't strong enough as far as the backend. I know the Doom in box condition is quite strong on the tail, and would like to take advantage of that, but stay away from the super snappy "just got kicked to the pocket" move. I was thinking something like a 5x3 1/2 or similar, which should put the pin above the fingers and the CG kicked out a bit. Might need an extra hole, or I might be able to get away with drilling the ring finger deep to get it legal.

Any comments or other suggestions?

Edited on 3/3/2006 12:47 PM



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Re: Doom drilling
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 12:43:17 PM »
I have one with the pin above the bridge and the CG swung out about a inch.  I would not go as strong with the CG as you described.   For you, I would put the pin just above the ring finger and the CG swung right 3/4"-1".   That will control some of the "snap".  

I have a feeling Chitown will echo my sentiments.  


Jason Jenkins
'05-'06 Hammer Amateur Staff
"Nothing HITS like a Hammer"


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Re: Doom drilling
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 12:46:53 PM »

It's hard to give suggestions with out seeing you bowl but from the info you gave me that seems like a logical choice.  Kepp in mind that the Doom is a skid/flip ball but it has a strong controllable flip.  I know that sounds strange but it's true.

Both Dooms I have are drilled with the pin above and in between the fingers which puts the pin 5.5" from my pap.  I also have the cg kicked right to 1oz and no balnce hole.  As you know from the posts I have made about this ball the reaction is awesome.  This is by far the best reactive pearl ball I have ever owned.

Personally I feel you would like the pin above and in between the fingers layout.  I also don't feel you need a balance hole with this ball.  Just like ANOTHERWINDUP has stated the cg does not need to be put far right.  This ball is plenty strong and hits freaking hard.  

Great choice is thinking about buying this ball.  Keep us all posted on how well it works for you.

Edited on 3/3/2006 1:37 PM

Edited on 3/3/2006 1:41 PM

Edited on 3/3/2006 1:42 PM


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Re: Doom drilling
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2006, 03:28:50 PM »
I know there will be folks that disagree, but as chitown has done with Dooms, I think, within reason, a person could build a nice line up with one line of ball. Different cover, maybe different drills. To a point, I have done this with Xcels, and now am working on another ball to see what can be done to fill a line up for most conditions. Maybe not a tourny, but league.

I do not think you have to have the latest and greatest ball to have good results, but then I'm not a pro and never will be. I enjoy leagus bowling and to find a line up in a mid price line that will work for me and maybe others, is my goal.

The Doom, IMO, is a super ball for a very reasonable price. I also know that if what I am working on and what chitown has done, I probably won't sell many balls, but that's life and to know I helped someone, will be enough.

I have several balls drilled pin above ring, about 2 oclock, and CG swung about 3/4 inch right, the reaction, when I hit my mark, is a beautiful thing to see ( for me) and that's the drill that I feel is best for me.

I hope you have as many good hits from it as I have.

Good Luck and Happy Bowling.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Doom drilling
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2006, 03:31:59 PM »
You have about the same stats as me and my doom is drilled 3 3/8 x 3 3/8 and it works awesome!  On my medium ths, I start out throwing 13 to 10 and finish throwing 18 to 10 and smashing the pocket.  I think this would be your best bet.
Shane Soule