I know there will be folks that disagree, but as chitown has done with Dooms, I think, within reason, a person could build a nice line up with one line of ball. Different cover, maybe different drills. To a point, I have done this with Xcels, and now am working on another ball to see what can be done to fill a line up for most conditions. Maybe not a tourny, but league.
I do not think you have to have the latest and greatest ball to have good results, but then I'm not a pro and never will be. I enjoy leagus bowling and to find a line up in a mid price line that will work for me and maybe others, is my goal.
The Doom, IMO, is a super ball for a very reasonable price. I also know that if what I am working on and what chitown has done, I probably won't sell many balls, but that's life and to know I helped someone, will be enough.
I have several balls drilled pin above ring, about 2 oclock, and CG swung about 3/4 inch right, the reaction, when I hit my mark, is a beautiful thing to see ( for me) and that's the drill that I feel is best for me.
I hope you have as many good hits from it as I have.
Good Luck and Happy Bowling.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro
www.rlbowlerspro.comSleep is over rated.