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Author Topic: DOOM first impressions  (Read 11068 times)


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DOOM first impressions
« on: April 07, 2006, 10:00:56 PM »
Hello again all, if you didn't already know, I just got/drilled a DOOM, my first ball ever.  This is a GREAT BALL!  Although I have just started working on a shot that didn't involve two finger cranking (thats what i did with a house ball), whenever I got the ball in or even near the pocket, I was bowling spared and strikes.  My average with a house ball using a two finger cranker stroke is about a 130-150, my first game with the DOOM (could only bowl one game due to time issues) I bowled a 114 which isn't high but I am very pleased with.

Im trying to learn how to put spin on the ball using a fingertip grip while using my thumb and I was getting the hang of it.  Because the ally was about the close after our first game, the manager let us bowl for the extra 15 mins that they were open for free.  By then I had already bowled 3 strikes in the game, and I had a Turkey along with a couple other strikes in the 15min extra.

I know that these numbers dont sound all that great, but for a person who has been playing for almost a month, I think they're superb.  This ball hits so hard and breaks very nicely when I am able to give it enough rotation.  Kudos to Hammer for a great ball.  I will continue to update you guys on my progress as a bowler as time progresses.  

Any pointers on how I can give my ball more spin?
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160



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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2006, 01:29:11 AM »
Just keep practicing your basics.  

I suggest that you do an internet search for "Ron Clifton bowling tips".  You will learn a ton of info that is very helpful.  This site also shows you how to rev up the ball nice with your thumb in it.

Remember your learning the basics so don't get frustrated with this process.  Keep a positive mental attitude and you will do great.

Now learning how to rev up the ball with your thumb in it will take a little bit of practice compared to not using your thumb.  Go to that web site I talked about above.  There is you will find most of the info you need.

Good luck!


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2006, 02:16:38 AM »
Hehe, hey seems that every thread marked with "DOOM," you are ready to answer =)  Thats great though, I love this ball as well and if i had the money, id probably shell out to buy 2 more of these and make a DOOM arsenal.

But yea, that site you gave me was a tremendous help.  It taught me a lot of things.  I only wish there were more sites like this with more detailed visuals such as animations or videos.  I am a graphic designer myself and if had all of this knowledge about bowling, I'm sure I could make a pretty great site with instructional videos.  Maybe someone can help me?  

Great site, thanks Chitown, keep the tips coming and the DOOM alive!
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

Edited on 4/9/2006 2:49 AM


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2006, 03:31:44 AM »
what is this Machine u speak of?
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2006, 02:28:29 AM »
So yea, today was my second day out with the DOOM and thanks to that great web site that chitown told me about, I am now finding my stroke.  I played 5 games today, each game getting better and better at putting revs on the ball with my thumb in it.  Every game I stayed within my 130 ave. that i was averaging with the house ball, so if I was able to experiment the whole time, find a stroke, and estay within my average, I'd say that things are lookin great so far.  As for the ball, again, very forgiving and guarantees you at least 8-9 pins if you get it anywhere near the head pin/pocket area.

Thanks for the great site chitown!
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2006, 10:11:00 AM »
So yea, today was my second day out with the DOOM and thanks to that great web site that chitown told me about, I am now finding my stroke.  I played 5 games today, each game getting better and better at putting revs on the ball with my thumb in it.  Every game I stayed within my 130 ave. that i was averaging with the house ball, so if I was able to experiment the whole time, find a stroke, and estay within my average, I'd say that things are lookin great so far.  As for the ball, again, very forgiving and guarantees you at least 8-9 pins if you get it anywhere near the head pin/pocket area.

Thanks for the great site chitown!
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

I'm glad your doing great with the new ball.  Bowling is an awesaome sport.  As for the site, Ron Clifton should be the one to thank.  This guy put together some great stuff for free.  All bowlers could learn something from this guy.

Keep practicing and your game will get better in a hurry.  Also just remember a solid spare game is a must if you want to be good.


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2006, 12:05:35 PM »
So yea, I dont think I'm getting enough reaction/hook on the ball.  I am to the point where I am bowling with medium revs with average ball speed.  I dont know how to explain a layout, but I'll do my best:

Left handed drilled
Big White dot (pin?) About 1" - 1.5" to the left, and .5" above of my ring finger.
Other small circle (engraved dot, cg?) is right in the palm of my hand.
My pro shop guy suggested that since this is my first ball I go with a basic layout, but if there is a name to this sort of layout I would love to hear it.

I bowl up the 2nd arrow, but the amount of hook i get combined with my rev/ball speed isnt enough to carry through the pins which leaves me with a lot of 10 pins for some reason.  Would it be better to plug and redrill for a more reactive layout or should I just sand it down a bit?
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

T Brockette

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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2006, 12:19:54 PM »

No need to plug and redrill, or resurface in my opinion. Since you are a left hander, are you leaving 10 pins or are you leaving 7 pins. If you are leaving alot of 7 pins, try these couple of things first before doing anything to the equipment. Either move to your left about one board with your feet or move back on the approach just a bit, say around 3" or so, and see if this stops your 7 pin problems. If your leaving 10 pins, you could be coming up light, try moving to your left again about a couple of boards. Hope this helps.

Tracy Brockette – Lone Star House Hack


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2006, 11:24:51 PM »
T brockette is right.  Don't hurry to get a plug and redrill job.  all you need is to adjust to the lanes.  Don't forget your new to this so there will be many things to learn.

The layout you desribed sounds like what I would call a label leverage type layout.  Of course this all depends on where your pap is located but for generic purposes that's what it sounds like.  It's a good layout for you to start with.

I wouldn't change the cover or layout until you learn to hit your target consistantly and practice more.  Plus the lanes your on may not be a good match for the line your playing.  There are so many factors involved it's very difficult to give you a real accurate answer over the internet.  Just be patient and you will learn and get better.

You have a great ball and a solid layout.  Sometimes you will bowl on some lanes that may have too much oil for the ball but you can always learn to throw it slower.  The key to getting good fast is to really practice on your fundamentals.  Don't even pay attention to your score.  High scores is for league and practice is to get better.

Good luck.  Another good tip is to purchase strike pass on the PBA web site.  This way you can view a lot of PBA events and learn by watching the pros.


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2006, 02:19:03 AM »
Okay, update...

Bowled two games tonight, i think the lanes are too slick for this ball, especially during the times that i bowl (at night after league play is done).  I still bowl my average but I swear if this ball gave me a lil more back end reaction Id stop leaving those nasty 5, 6, and 10 pins when hitting the pocket dead on.  Im putting med revs on the ball so it shouldnt be that.

Maybe I'll take the ball out for 2 more sessions before I think about a more reactive drilling or sanding.  Maybe sand the back flares so the ball still holds its skid through the front, but gives me more reaction through the back end.   keep you updated =)
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
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Average: 130-160


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2006, 03:02:59 AM »
did u slow down your speed? that works 4 me
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutterballs back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishent that you should be proud of!!!


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2006, 03:10:34 AM »
well i have medium ball speed, anything slower wont drive through
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160

El Capitán

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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2006, 03:58:38 AM »
hey man, good choice on a first hook ball!

Hope you stick with bowling, and progress further and further with your skill.

Just practice man.  Practice is the name of the game!

Coaching isn't a bad idea either.
A little boy looked up at me once and said "So you must be The Striking King."  Coolest thing I've been told!
I'm pretty positive I'll shoot 300... just not sure when.

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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2006, 09:32:55 AM »
If you feel that the ball isn't grabbing enough because of to much oil then go ahead and dull it with some scotchbrite.  Dull it before you redrill it.  Once you dull this ball you wont have to worry about it not hooking enough.


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Re: DOOM first impressions
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2006, 12:45:48 PM »
any instructions on how to do this myself, or should i pay my pro shop guy and have him do it?  I learned about pros dulling down the back flares of the ball to increase reaction on the back end while having clean skid through the front, thats really what i want to do.
Bowling Since March 2006

Doom Raw Hammer
House Ball (spares)
Average: 130-160