I just ordered a black widow from my distributor and am looking for some suggestions on a layout . I have been having problems in the house I am in getting the ball to recover. The outsides are really dry now and the inside is moving pretty good. I have been throwing a SR300 with 2000 grit wet sand the last couple of weeks, but it is not reading the lane in time. So here are my specs. Span 4 1/2 by 4 5/8, my pap is 4 1/2 over 5/8 up. I would consider myself a high rev player, with pretty good ball speed. I know what some of you are thinking while reading this, that I am a pro shop owner and cannot figure out a good drilling. That is not true but sometimes I have difficulty analyzing my game. The ball will be here Monday, so I would like feed back as soon as possible.
Clarke Hill
King Pin Pro Shop
****Scratch tournament in January***
1st place $5,000.00 guaranteed!!!!!!!