Just drilled up my BW last night. I ended up going with the label drill, & leaving the stock 4000grit finish on it. After 3 games i decided that the BW was DEFINATELY hooking too early for me, so i went in the pro shop & shined it just enough to get the dullness off(no mirror shine here). First ball i threw after shining it, i thought to myself "there is absolutely no way thats gonna get up". Sure enough, 10 in the pit.
Ive gotta say, Ive always been a fan of hammers, especially since they first strted using the offset cores. The BW feels just as good as my old sledge hammer did when i first got it(ive got 2 300s & quite a few tournament wins on it)
& as we all know, its true what they say "NOTHING hits like a hammer"