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Author Topic: DRY Back Ends  (Read 1199 times)


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DRY Back Ends
« on: November 05, 2007, 05:29:27 AM »
i bowled in a tournament yesterday with dry back ends. i couldn't get my black widow pearl to come up to the pocket constantly  it would always push to far down lane then break really hard i was wondering what ball would smooth that out and give a more consistent read to the pocket on that kind of lane condition i was thinking a anger or something on the lines of that. my comfort zone is 15 out to about 5 i also have a slow ball speed 12-15 mph with lower revs maybe 150 so what ball would give me the most options.



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Re: DRY Back Ends
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2007, 01:41:14 PM »
If you want to stick with Hammer, get a Vibe. This will tame the backend quite a bit.
Thirtyclean (Well maybe 29, or 28, most of
the times !)


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Re: DRY Back Ends
« Reply #2 on: November 05, 2007, 01:43:22 PM »
I wouldn't recommend a new ball. I would move right and speed the ball up to about 16-17 MPH if possible. But the reason it reacts like that is because its a pearl ball. I have an Xcel that is a shiny pearl and it does the same on all lane conditions with a dry backend. If i was to choose a new ball I would go with a ball with more midlane that has a roll instead of a skid snap reaction. My storm double agent does that very well. It has a great mid lane move and just straightens up on the backend. I think the layout on the ball that you have could be causing it.
Most of the time to change what your talking about can be done with surface adjustment ( i don't know about that particular ball, but dulling it will cause it to burn up more energy before it gets to the pins causing less snap, if you can adjust the surface on that ball) Other things would be adjust your approach or maybe release or have the ball layout changed.
Right Handed bowler, tweener/cranker, 16-19MPH depending on Lanes.

My Arsenal:
Columbia Action Max
Columbia White Dot (big hook haha)
Dyno-Thane Threshold
Ebonite Angular One
Ebonite Xcel Pearl
Morich Awesome Hook
Morich Total Shock & Awe
Storm Double Agent
Track Robo Rule


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Re: DRY Back Ends
« Reply #3 on: November 05, 2007, 03:12:27 PM »
Just knock the cover down on the BWP. Taking the polish off will smooth out the backend and help it read sooner.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals