This ball looks like an absolute joke!
I'm not one to bash a ball ever but here's my reasoning.
I was at a PBA Regional today in Baltimore and I stayed for both squads. I watched many guys throw(or attempt to throw is a better term) this ball. They ranges from powerstrokers, pure crankers, power spinners, and tweeners(I saw a total of 7 guys between both squads trying to use this ball). To no avail. The pattern was the new PBA PAttern C which is 28feet of oil with a buff to 41 feet(so I was told). I watched balls like the Big Block Diesel, Big Blue Pearl, Ravage, and Depth Charge out backend these balls by at least 6 or 7 boards. This ball simply isn't what it's advertised as. This is supposed to be their backend monster? Yeah right. To give some strongpoints about the ball, it seemed very even and controllable but all but one of the bowlers was able to get this thing to finish. It simply would not carry, whereas other equipment did when they made the switch(usually to Big Block, or Big Blue Pearl). I knew something was up when it hasn't even officially released yet and many people are selling their sample and test balls.
This just doesn't look like the super backend piece hammer is saying it is. It just looks like an even flaring mild hooking ball. Anyone else with Deal problems? I was actually considering punching one of these but after seeing this ball's performance in so many different styles of bowlers' hands, it just looks like it won't fit the slot I'm looking for.
-DJ Marshall
You're not Bowling if you're not using "B"runswick