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Author Topic: Is there any diffrence???  (Read 1985 times)


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Is there any diffrence???
« on: August 01, 2003, 11:58:22 PM »

Whats the difference between the Vicious Attack, the Turbo Diesel and the Blade Reactive?  They
are all dull balls.  I'm looking at the Blade for a medium to medium oily condition.  Would one of the
other balls be better?  I have slow speed and medium revs.  The center I'm bowling in has an out
of bounds outside 10.  The best shot appears to be a swing from about 20 to 10 or straight up the
12-15 boards.

Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Is there any diffrence???
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2003, 03:40:22 PM »
I have own or owen the Turbo and the Blade. The blades revs up nice but the diesels are stronger.

the Deisels keeps the pins lower and sends more messangers. Both hit great. But I seam to trip out a lot more 9 pins and 7's with the diesels then with the Blades.

I would say the Diesels get into a strong roll sooner that the Blades.
the Diesels arc more than the blades.

The Vicious line is supposed to more angular that the diesels.

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Re: Is there any diffrence???
« Reply #2 on: August 03, 2003, 10:17:30 AM »
The Turbo Diesel is a Reactive Pearl coverstock with a dull finish.  The Blade Reactive is a solid with a dull finish, and the Vicious Attack is solid with a dull finish.  

The Vicious Attack will rev up the most out of these three balls, and be the most aggressive on a oily shot.
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