Bill Dozer,
The First Blood has a quasi Virtual Gravity visual appeal to it. Some of the balls out of the batch I seen had a big red circular patch surrounded by the the blue-ish/turquoise color scheme (and some of the balls, the blue looked darker than others but we all know colors vary)... and the orange was layered under the blue, again in a circular pattern. Impressive ball by looks. Mrs. Norton surely liked it!
The color pattern looked VERY good for EBI (no disrespect there but i'm just sayin'). Definitely Ussery doing a good job of naming + visual appeal for these new breed of EBI/Hammer pieces (Arson Low Flare/First Blood, minus the Arson Hybrid which looks like the old blue RAYZR (in my opinion).
Some of the color schemes coming from EBI just seem bland... recycled colors in the same pattern seems so blah, NOT that others companies don't recyle, BUT i'm just sayin' again, lol... (i.e. Magic Action/503T, granted different brand but still, its like can we please put some effort into the creative aspect. Manufactures can't keep warranting a $180-200+ dollars price-tag for a product that looks like a model that came out last release.
In our business most of the general bowling populous judges the book by the cover.