seen or used both the Taboo Jet Black and the First Blood, which ball is the most versatile and dynamic of the two?
I would have to say the First blood is the most versatile.
I take that not only from the official Hammer videos which shows different styles and layouts, but also from personal experience.
I generally can wheel the ball like a Robert Flunder IV, and most of my gear is drilled to do that or stay a power stroker. But I have my FB drilled pin down, 60 x 4.5" x 70, which allows me to stay completely behind it, square up, and go down and in without having the hard snap that the FB normally has. If I took that ball down to something like 2000 sanded, I'm back to wheeling but with a smooth arc instead of a hard snap.
I thought it was just me that had a bad drill, but once you get what that ball can do, the bounds are limitless.