Hello all, if anyone hasnt noticed yet, I havent been able to find much use for my Doom on the easy THS conditions that I have been bowling in. Well, today i bowled my first sport shot. I took out my Agent drilled 3 3/8" and bowled down and in for a test shot...the sucker hooked straight into the gutter about 35 feet out. WOW!! I thought. So I tried bowling deeper with the Agent and it just rolled out on me and never made it all the way to the pocket. Too far in brooklyn, too far out was brooklyn. So I put that away and took out my Label Doom. I was able to bowl from 5th to 3rd arrow which is how deep I play my Agent on a THS.
Shot 135 (Agent + Doom), 187(Doom), 185(Doom). Now I see where all the hype is. This ball rocked hard!
Bowling Since March 2006
Storm Agent
Doom Raw Hammer
Average: 150-160
See my bowling scores online here:
http://www.allbowling.com/journal/public.php?uid=2038&leagueid=808Turkey Adobo (Me and my friends' bowling site)