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Author Topic: Gas mask core  (Read 16232 times)


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Gas mask core
« on: October 04, 2007, 07:15:00 AM »
Okay, we know Hammer has used the core in a couple of balls (as listed below).  I'm just wondering why it seems that only the Black Widow line has really been a success.

I remember hearing that the Big Blue (and Pearl) was either love or hate.  I don't remember hearing anything about the Big Deal.  Same core as the BW.  What makes the BW line that much better than the rest?  Is it just a great combo of core and coverstock?

Big Blue:

Big Blue Pearl:

Added flip block:

Big Deal:


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Re: Gas mask core
« Reply #16 on: October 08, 2007, 10:43:33 AM »
You will have 3 different reactions. The extent of those reactions will be in the line, hand but you will not have one that'll be big arc and one that'll be hard backend etc.

The percentage of cover  might or might not be 70-80% but there will be a difference. Earlier/later will be the most a person will see. A huge change in arc vs snap backend, I don't think so, never seen it myself on balls that were laid out the same and different cover grits, just earlier/later but very similar rolls.

Just what I have seen, but, never had any say 360 vs 1000 vs 4000 either.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: Gas mask core
« Reply #17 on: October 08, 2007, 03:31:23 PM »
I don't understand your last post here...Are saying that changing the surface on these three identical balls, won't change the reaction?  If so, your wrong.

I do understand that the motion will change a little. Or how long it goes down lane before it reads. But people say that they can create a completely different shape just by altering the cover. I thinks that is wrong.

If I have 3 balls drilled identical to be very early rolling. I don't belive I can alter the surface to turn the ball into a skid/flip reaction. I can make it hold a bit longer or start up even sooner. But the ball will still flare the same and the pin will still want to migrate the same way resulting in very similar motion from foul line to pin deck.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals


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Re: Gas mask core
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2007, 03:39:45 PM »
I agree it won't be a dramatic change.  Just be earlier or later.

The same can be said for layouts.  If you watch the NVS layout vids on, there isn't a huge difference between those ball reactions.

It doesn't take much to make a difference, with surface or layout.  


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Re: Gas mask core
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2007, 09:55:21 PM »
I have 2 Raw Hammer Anger's drilled exactly the same.  One is polished and the other is OOB at 2000 grit.  The Polished Anger is longer and bit more snap on the back end compared to the OOB Anger.

Coverstock is the most important part of the balls reaction.  Of course, layouts do have some influence but not to the degree that the coverstock has.

This is a interesting topic.  There's many different approaches to arsenals.  Which would you rather have.  

1. 3 different layouts on 3 different balls with the same cover grit?


2. 3 of the same ball with the same layout on each but with different cover grits?

I would choose #2 which is the direction my arsenal is going right now.  I'm adding a 3rd Anger and putting the same exact layout on it as my other two Anger's have but changing the cover on this one to 500 grit.  

I feel if a bowler finds a ball that really works well for their game it's wise to buy another and change the cover.  The two Anger's I have work very well together.  

I also feel that if a bowler finds a layout that really works well for them, then why not use it on all their equipment?  Just drill all their bowling balls with the same exact layout and let the covers and cores separate the reactions.

I can take 3 Anger's, drill them exactly the same but change the coverstock's and cover just about everything except for really dry lanes.

Bears are Super Bowl bound!


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Re: Gas mask core
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2007, 10:08:33 PM »
I still find it difficult to beleive that you can take an Anger, drill it  3 3/8 PtoP and make it skid/flip. I dont care how much polish is on it.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals

Edited on 10/8/2007 10:08 PM


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Re: Gas mask core
« Reply #21 on: October 08, 2007, 10:35:04 PM »
I still find it difficult to beleive that you can take an Anger, drill it  3 3/8 PtoP and make it skid/flip. I dont care how much polish is on it.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals

Edited on 10/8/2007 10:08 PM

Both of my Angers are drilled 3 3/8" from pap, CG stacked with a balance hole 5" right of grip center on my mid-line.  One of them is 2000 grit box condition and the other is 4000 grit and polished.

I don't understand your comment about skid/flip?  My polished Anger is about 7 to 10 boards weaker than the OOB Anger.  The polish (factory finish) gives it a lot more length than box condition.

A bowler does not need a long pin to pap distance to bowl on light or short oil.  They need the right coverstock and or grit.

Take a plastic ball and put a strong layout on it.  Then use it on oil and see how much it hooks.  The layout is not going to mean squat on that ball becuase of the cover.

You know this also goes the other way.  Take 3 Angers and place the pin 5.5" from pap and no balance hole.  Then have one polished, one box and the other 500 grit.  I garuntee then 500 grit Anger can be used on long oil and work great.  The coverstock is what's going to make the biggest difference not the layout.
Bears are Super Bowl bound!

Edited on 10/8/2007 10:37 PM