Personally, if I were you I wouldnt buy this ball mentioned. Why buy a used ball and then plug it and redrill it, especially since you can get a new one on ebay for around 80 or so shipped? And yes, that may be to much still for someones pocket, so then come on here and request one with the same span, that way the ball wont need to be plugged when you get it. It may take a little time but I am sure someone will fix you up with the perfect ball that you are looking for. I dont know about plugging costs in your area but most people charge anywhere from 30-60 dollars to plug and redrill a ball... So if you paid say 30 bucks for the ball, that could be 90 bucks in that used ball before its said and done. With the oil absorption rates with todays balls, I wouldnt even try buying one knowing I had to plug it and redrill it.
You should come on here and say for example... I am looking for a Anger with a span of 4 1/2" and maybe a layout with a pin over the ring. Theres so many people on here that you may find one identical to that spec. I hope this helps in your decision, John