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Author Topic: Grape Vibe, sneaks up on you  (Read 1788 times)

The Bowling Shop Tyson

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Grape Vibe, sneaks up on you
« on: December 06, 2011, 02:11:22 PM »
After getting off to an early season struggle, really in both leagues, where I entered with a book average of 235, I was averaging only 210 through 21 games, second shift league, both leagues featuring 5 man teams.
I decided I need to go weaker on the balls, and my first thought was a red Backlash which is a great ball in and of itself, but that same night, as I was leaving the shop for league, I added the Grape vibe to the bag, which had all of about 5 games on it to that point since drilling 4 months earlier.  I havent loved a Vibe since the Blue, so I have been a skeptic about them.
I proceeded to shoot games of 266-300-257 that night for 823.  Followed it up with a bad fill ball filled night of 799 the next week, and then a 777 the week after with a 211 middle game. (Don't talk bad about Jesus Tebow while they play on Thursday night football or you'll pay for it, as I did that game!)
Anyway, a 3 week span of 2399 for 9 games with a ball I had no idea was so good.  I may have bowled better, but definitely do not feel I was throwing it THAT well, but the ball gives me such a great read for that second shift. We have since sold about 16 of them in the past 3 weeks, after selling about 4 since the release through early November.
Its a ball all need to seriously check out and consider for a broken down condition, as it has one of the best reads I have ever seen to get through the front of the lane and recover well, but will not overhook on you, and kicks the corners out great!
Best Vibe yet! 

The Bowling Shop
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Re: Grape Vibe, sneaks up on you
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2012, 06:47:46 AM »
Don't know if it's the best Vibe yet, but it's damn good! I had another post about my purchase and last night after finally gaining my footing with the treated approaches, I shot 736 (226, 232, 278). The ball was consistent in its reaction for the entire set and that was with another lefty rolling a Storm Trifecta near my track. Finally, the operator got it together!


For those who need a good pearl at an excellent price point for medium to medium-dry lanes, the Grape Vibe is the ball for you. It works as advertised. The Vibe line has always matched up well for my house shot game unless the volume is too high for my Blue. I slot mine between my Blue and Cherry.

Edited by KDawg77 on 1/4/2012 at 4:34 PM


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Re: Grape Vibe, sneaks up on you
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2012, 03:23:59 PM »
Thanks for the feedback and glad it is finally making out of your bag Tyson