I shot around average tonight, a 590. I got my No Mercy Beat'n and the specs are really good. A 1"-2" pin, top weight about 3, and the pin and all that crap are lined up perfectly. Also, I entered a strike pot for the heck of it. In since it was the last night, they were gonna keep going until someone struck. The first person didn't strike, the second person didn't strike, then they called me the third time........ AND I STRUCK!!! WOOOOHOOOOO!!! I won $219, then I gave a tip to the guy that gave me the tickets which was $10, I didn't know how much to give him. Then I got $21 from finishing last in the league, lol. It was kinda hard competing with only two people on the team, plus the two vacancy spots.
My Current Arsenal,
Hammer Black Widow
Hammer Black Widow Pearl
Hammer Saw Blade
Absolute Inferno
Doom Raw Hammer
Faball Black Hammer
For Sale or Trade:
16lb Absolute Inferno