Hammer 3-D Offset Assault @15lbs 2.489 .053 .008 D.O.T/HK22C
WWRD 01/16/2025 (12-16lbs) Alternate Core 12-13 lbs Volume- Medium to Heavy
Core- High Rev Offset Coverstock- HK22C Hybrid
It’s been a bit since the last 3-D Offset, 11/18/22 in fact. Not much can be added to this legendary core design by Mo Pinel. Earlier versions added DOT for getting the drilling angles perfect without sacrificing the warranty. The Offset Assault has the same cover as the Hammer Pure Envy. (That ball is really good, BTW). The surface is a touch smoother and creates a great ball motion with the lower Int Diff. This ball worked great on fresh and during our Comparison it kept coming back while moving deeper into the lane. The motion is not sharp, but really predicable. The 3 tones of red look very nice. FTF also has a Comparison Report on our website.
Box Surface- 500/1000/2000 Siaair Color- Red/Cherry/Dark Red
Recommended Cleaner: Power House Clean ‘N Dull