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Author Topic: Drilling a Cherry Vibe  (Read 898 times)


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Drilling a Cherry Vibe
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:32:43 PM »
Just bought a new Hammer Cherry Vibe. 14lb / Top Weight 2.5 oz. / box also says 2"-3" which I'm not sure what that means. I'm wondering about drilling patterns.
Lanes I use are pretty decent. I asked what the oil pattern was and I was told it is oiled short. 35'. Another guy said they are medium oil.

I am a fairly novice bowler. Just bowled my first 200 (203) using a 14 lb house ball. Usually bowl around 140-150. Right now I'm a pretty straight on bowler. I have no hook or break at the end so usually trying to get it to hit just right/or left on #1. I wouldn't mind having a little more back end action on the ball but at this point in my "career" not sure I can handle an aggressive hooking ball without it ending up in either gutter.

I had read some reviews where some bowlers said use "standard" pattern and others said standard was still a little too aggressive and should go for "length" pattern. Just wondering if anyone has much experience with either layout.

Sorry to be such a noob and I appreciate you taking the time to help a noob bowler be better.

If need any other info let me know.


John Samples
American Bowler in Qatar.



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Re: Drilling a Cherry Vibe
« Reply #1 on: February 29, 2008, 04:28:29 AM »
Hi John.  Do you have access to a quality shop over there?  If so, that should be your first stop.  For most novice bowlers, a standard label drill is recommended.  That would normally put the pin(yellow dot) by your ring finger and the cg(yellow circle) under your palm.  This will allow you to throw some hook with the ball.  

BTW, the 2-3" on the box refers to the distance between the cg and the pin.


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Re: Drilling a Cherry Vibe
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2008, 05:00:33 AM »
We have a good facility but not sure how pro they are at drilling.  Had another friend who had his drilled and he said they "seemed" to know what they were doing.  So hoping for the best.

I had read that the Cherry is a bit more aggressive so worried that the standard would be so but ...

Thanks for the quick reply Andrew.

Have a good one.
John Samples
American Bowler in Qatar.
Cherry Vibe 14