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Author Topic: Hammer Arsenal  (Read 2697 times)


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Hammer Arsenal
« on: October 23, 2011, 03:45:45 PM »
Hi everyone...i have been out of bowling since this spring...i am a die hard hammer fan...i need to know whats the best arsenal of hammer bowling balls? Im looking to rebuild and update my arsenal top to bottom, starting with heavy oil, then a compliment when that ball burns up too much.  then another to go down to after that when the lanes are fried and you are forced to the channel.  As far as reaction im going to be competeing in tournaments so basically i want a typical tournament ball recation...good midlane reads with a preditable backend motion...progressing to one that had more length and less reaction for when the lanes are toasty.  My style in hind site is similar to bill oneills but maybe a little more tilt naturally. but i can be versitle. Any suggestions guys? Thanks so much for your input.



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Re: Hammer Arsenal
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2011, 09:24:24 AM »
I agree on the need for the Arson. I punched one out of curiosity about a month ago. The manager of the center tossed mine after I told him I got a wow feeling when the ball hit the pins and it's strong predictable roll. He threw 6 in a row right off the bat, looked at me and said order me one. I rolled a couple decent 700 series, he shot 786. Another bowler borrowed his Arson, shot 787. He called me ...order me one.I have sold 12 Arsons in 3 weeks, all styles are having success. Some leave it at box, some I take to 4000 abralon, a couple are polished. I sell and throw all makes, I am a true ball-whore, but this piece is special. Easy revs, great midlane read, just the right jump off the dry boards, enough pop on shots in the oil to carry, and the pins go down in a special unique way that gives the wow factor. Definitely need to include this gem in your "arson-al". Maybe two, one polished and one box.