I'm definitely going to have the Ratchet. It officially releases 6 days before my birthday, so it's designated a present.
Picking up the Taboo Jet Black in the next 2-4 weeks, depends on the money situation. Any perspective as to where that compares to the original Black Widow? I've heard it's close, just a little later.
The Nail is something I'm REALLY looking at right now.
I've got an 8 game sweeper tourney I'm gonna go to soon, at the house I've bowled at all my life. Held 220+ there, got really use to having a coast to coast shot.
Hit the summer league, playing 20-9ish, have to burn out the track area, and THEN play where I feel the most comfortable. It's been a learning experience. On the nights I score, I'm averaging 250ish. Normal nights I'm 190-215, as carry is a lot less established.
Plus, it's a summer league and I like messing around a little bit too much...Gotta stop myself from that. And being too stubborn to change balls. Those are my two biggest problems. If I get too comfortable, I get "bored." I just "have" to try a different line. Last week went 248, 247, 180. Made myself so angry that last game. Pinging 10's and 7's, ball change, strike city. Lost half a game.