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Author Topic: Hammer Black Widow Gold video review  (Read 8179 times)

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Hammer Black Widow Gold video review
« on: August 06, 2017, 01:55:01 AM »
Hello guys! Check out our latest review, the Black Widow Gold!

Thank you for watching!  ;D
Angel Loaeza

I am just an average bowler, I don't work for any company nor I am on staff with any ball company.

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Re: Hammer Black Widow Gold video review
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2017, 09:47:39 AM »
see that was the impression I had especially from the adverts on it but then I seen several reviews talking about how smooth and stuff  all the widows were and especially the gold.

Well there is the usual caveat with drilling, surface (and oil condition) and depending on how you throw you can make the flippest ball on paper hardly move and rev monsters can make a plastic ball a skid flip ball.  The actual ball is only one of several factors obviously.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2017, 09:49:52 AM by HackJandy »
Kind of noob when made this account so take advice with grain of salt.