Well gang... I drilled up the Burgundy Hammer last night with similar numbers to my Viral - 65 x 5 x 35 and was a little skeptical about this release with how the Pure Hammer balls rolled in the past...
All I can saw is WOW - very impressed with this ball. This ball really blends out patterns that I was bowling on (37' Broadway & burnt House Shot 41').
I brought a few other balls out while testing with this ball to see the difference - Jet Black Vibe with 2000 (pin down with a 70 x 4 3/4 x 60), Blue Hammer (w/ Vibe core @ 500 Abralon), Bad Ass, and the new Viral - all similar #'s as the Burgundy. Using my trusty JB Vibe on the shorter patterns really allows me to play several angles, but tends to be a little jumpy if the oustides are a little too wet/dry... Used the Burgundy for 2 games & was able to really relax and get the ball outside without the over/under reaction... really opened up the lane where others had too much over/under...
After league, I bowled on the House Shot (41') which had 3 games of play, I wanted to see what this ball will do when playing inside & carry too... It was funny to see this ball just get down the lane with ease and turn the corner with a smooth controllable motion... left a 4 pin, moved 4 left and threw the next 25 in a row... the funny thing is that I kept moving 2-3 left after 3 shots to see how far left I can go with this ball until it stops striking... After 25 in a row (moved a total of 15 boards - playing 32 -
, I finally left a 10 pin. A few of my friends were laughing at how much area I had with this ball... I think this ball will definitely be going into my tournament arsenal. It is weaker than the Bad Ass for sure, but is really a great medium / medium light lane ball that will blend out the backends & provide you with a smooth continuation in the backends. Using the Blue Hammer with the same surface prep of 500 grit, the Burgundy definitely comes back harder in the backends & is about 8-10 boards stronger overall - way different motion than between the 2 balls. The Burgundy coverstock is really that much different from what I saw last night.
Sorry for the long read, but I am very impressed with this new release from Hammer - Release Date is Nov. 18th.