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Author Topic: Anger or Bite  (Read 1294 times)


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Anger or Bite
« on: April 13, 2008, 11:59:53 PM »
Which ball do you guys suggest more for medium to medium heavy between the Bite, Anger, and Pain?  I throw about 16 mph with lots of forward roll, medium revs.  Looking for one ball for lighter to medium and one for medium to medium heavy.


Matt Fortney

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Re: Anger or Bite
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2008, 10:01:52 AM »
As far as the medium heavy goes, I'd say either way you go is fine, it just depends on what shape you're looking for. I would personally stay away from the pain, just because there's been more negative reviews on that than the other two.

That being said, the Anger will probably give you a little more hook overall, but it will also be more gradual. The Bite will go longer before it makes it's move, and be more angular. So really the shape you're looking for should dictate which ball you want.

As far lighter to medium goes, it really depends on your definition of lighter to medium. I would suggest a Blue Vibe, simply because it can be played on a variety of different conditons based on the cover prep. At the OOB 4000 + polish I can easily play it on the lighter side of medium conditions. Take it down to 1000 abralon and you'll be able to play it comfortably on medium up to possibly the heavy side of medium. Really a great ball.

Hammer Pride Staff

"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer"


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Re: Anger or Bite
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2008, 11:57:09 AM »
Overall the difference between the two is symmetrical and asymmetrical. The Anger is a lot earlier and rollier with the cover and core it has. If you have lower ball speed I would not suggest this ball. The Bite is longer ball still hooks a lot because of the continuation on the backend. I believe that overall, the Bite is a better ball


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Re: Anger or Bite
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2008, 01:00:00 AM »
I have both balls, and as described by others, The BITE has more of a "Skid Flip" reaction, while the ANGER is more of an arcing ball. Much as I've tried to label one or the other as my favorite, they have become my "co-favorites", as they are both great balls.... just in different situations.

I've had more consistent outings and higher overall scores with the ANGER (averaging 220-235), as the early rolling shape of it's trajectory is more predictable. But with the BITE, I can get the ball deeper and I have had higher highs (289, 280) and therefore feel I have the potential for a much better (higher) game.

In short... The BITE is a little harder for me to line up with my target, but once I do, the sky is the limit. With the ANGER, I'm more likely to consistently line up with my target, but it's rare that I bowl anything over 230 or so with it.