I bought a SCB a couple of years ago before Hammer had anything out that was really for flooded lanes. It has worked out pretty well the few times that I have actually had to use it.
I bought my girlfriend a Hawgzilla for christmas this year for times that her Big Deal has trouble making a move (she doesnt have a whole lot of hand but she does pretty well compared to most of the other lady bowlers locally). I was very impressed with her Hawgzilla after watching her practice some on a fresh christmas tree pattern. Her Hawgzilla moved significantly more than her Big deal.
My question is...........how does the Hawgzilla or any of the others in the Hawg series compare to the SCB on heavy to flooded patterns? I like my SCB ok but it definantly has a different roll than all of my Hammer stuff. I was thinking maybe a Hawgzilla could replace my SCB to give me more of a roll that I am familiar with but $160 is an expensive experiment if it doesnt handle floods like the SCB will.
Any assistance is appreciated......thanks!
.... A HammerHead with a touch of BuzzSaw
Could someone tell me where this "Great Wall of China" is???
Edited on 1/6/2007 9:17 AM
Edited on 1/6/2007 9:24 AM