He's been throwing a Nitro R/2 for a LONG time, and the thing has become inconsistent for him. It's kind of hard to describe his bowling style, but I will try. He sets up about halfway down the approach, takes only two steps and delivers the ball usually right at 10. He plays it down and in with not a lot of hook. He is great at spares and carries a 180 or so average with his unconventional style, and I'm convinced that if he could throw something that gives a little more hook to drive the pocket better, he could score much higher. He's really consistent when it comes to hitting his mark, but the ball doesn't move a whole heck of a lot. He bought a Pure Hammer late last year but doesn't like it at all. Part of the problem is the drilling he got which he doesn't like. (Interesting side note: He doesn't believe in getting the ball drilled to fit his hand. The ball he uses was one of his brother's old balls and he just uses it as is. I have tried in vain to convince him to get a ball drilled to his hand, but he doesn't have faith in the ball drillers out there. The Pure Hammer he had the driller match it to his Nitro R2, but it doesn't feel the same to him, the pitch is probably a bit different, or maybe it's the grips I don't know. )
Anyhow, he won't really touch the Pure Hammer anymore, so I thought maybe I could get some help from the Hammer experts. He likes Hammer, so it'll be easiest to stick with that. Should we maybe just look into getting him a new Nitro R2, or do you guys have any idea what would react similar but with more punch? Thanks for the help, and I know it's complicated!