I don't have the Heat, but I picked up the Scandal and Scandal Pearl over the past 2 weeks. Just added the Rebel Solid yesterday. The Scandal is amazing. I had the Rebel Solid drilled the same as the Scandal, so it is easy to switch between them to get a similar look on different conditions. The Scandal Pearl fits in as you said. I plan to add the Viral Solid next and perhaps 1-2 more pearls. I do have the Mission Unknown as well.
I used to throw pretty much all Hammer. Got away for awhile. Went Brunswick when I switched to 14 and I've been mostly disappointed. A few of the Radical balls are nice and I will be keeping those. Nothing I picked up from Brunswick rolls like the Scandal.
I also bought the Black Hammer and Purple Hammer remakes previously, as the BTU was extremely disappointing. Also have a Black Widow Spare. Should add a Legend or 2 at some point. Always rolled the gas mask core balls well.