I went and took lessons on Tuesday for the first time in my life. I worked with Aleta Sill, who some of you might know from her days on the Pro Women's Tour. We worked the entire lesson on getting a good pushaway and turning that into a loose arm swing. It was very uncomfortable and I hard a very hard time with it. I have been practicing the past few days working on it and not keeping score at all or shooting at spares, just the pushaway and loose armswing.
While practicing today it started to feel better, so I got 3 more games, and decided to see how I could do and shoot spares and keep score.
First game I shot 300, which while only in practice, it was still cool. That's my 3rd 300 game, to go along with 1 299...unfortunately, only 1 300 was in a sanctioned league, and the 299 was in a non sanctioned league. I still count them all anyways.
The 2nd and 3rd games I shot 258, 215. The last game, I left 3 7 pins and made 2, and a solid 8 pin on a high tight shot.
The best part is my armswing is starting to feel much better, and the pushaway is getting to become a natural feeling now. I am going to continue to practice this as much as I can, then go back for another lesson in a few weeks.
She was talking about trying to add more of a slide into my game, which should be interesting, because I don't slide too much right now. However, she mentioned it would save my knee in the long run, and allow me to use the loose armswing easier.
Can't wait to go back!
Thanks for reading!
Formerly SGC300