With in a year Hammer has released three spare balls, the Carbon Fiber, Hammerflage, Twisted, and now number 4 with this. Trust me I am a proud member of Hammer Nation, my main balls I roll every week are Hammer, but I want more than another spare ball! I do not own any of the ones listed. I am not going to pay $90 for a spare ball, I have a Storm Ice, and DV8 Glitter Gold for that. Plastic balls for a better price. The last plastic from Hammer I bought was a True Blood, have had it for 1 1/2 years now, and only use it for the toast, hooks a tad too much to use it as a spare ball. I hope they have something good planned for the future if not sad to say I may start looking at Roto Grip and Motiv to fill in with some new stuff. Haven't tried either yet but its looking that way.