Hey BR & Hammer Family,
Just got a Toxic drilled up yesterday.
Beginning Specs
15.03 lbs
2-3 pin
4 oz. TW
Since Top was high, I decided on a label type layout.
Pin next to ring finger with CG shifted towards center of grip.
No weight hole.
Layout looks like this
Haven't had a ball laid out like this in awhile, so I'm anxious
to see how it rolls. The color scheme on this ball is something
else. Reminds me of the Storm Bolt with white and gray swirls on
it. For some reason, mine doesn't have as much black swirls as
some of the others I've seen from users here.
Won't be able to throw it till Friday, but I will report with
pictures, a Mini-Review and a Video as always for sure!
Talk to you all later!
The Candy Man
Rammy Davis Jr.