After a little over a week with the Hammer Viral I wanted to give my initial thoughts on the ball. I am thoroughly satisfied with this ball from all aspects. If this is what I've been missing out with by not using the Vibes before they were discontinued I am more disappointed in myself. I used this ball on the THS, a sport shot, and through some practice sessions.
On the THS during league play I usually start with my B.W. Legend but during the warm ups I realized that it was way too much ball. I decided this was the perfect time to use the Viral. The ball was very smooth and gave me a nice controlled arch into the pocket vice a snapping motion. I assume this is because of the drilling on the ball. Throughout all the games I was able to stay with this ball and just move and make minor adjustments with my hand position and ball speed to continue use.
I don't know what sport shot was put out, but on the fresh my Viral wasn't the best choice. After the first game though I switched to my Viral and it took over for the rest of the night. It continued to provide a nice arching motion and handled transition well.
During my practice sessions I only bowled with the Viral and my Black/Blue Spike to see which I would carry in my bag and which would be put on the shelf as an alternate. Both balls provide length but I prefer the motion that the Viral offers me.
Overall, so far I am happy with this purchase and hope to continue to find success with this ball. I didn't expect the Viral to be able to handle lighter oil or shorter patterns as well as it did since the cover stock came from a former Black Widow but it seems to match up with me well and offers me a very controllable motion.