"If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
....therefore Mr. Hickland could/should(?) still be employed. Ebonite's public statement was "wanting to go a different direction in their equipment".
I guess that direction was get rid of the designer, rehash his core designs for the next 4 years, retro all of his best designs from the past 10-15 years, and poach the young staffers from every other company.
Rinse & Repeat is right my friend. You nailed it on that one.
I’m not particularly supportive of Ebonite myself, and I am not taking anyone’s side in this, but.......
I don’t know Mr. Hickland, nor do I know exactly why he was released, so I don’t know if he should still be employed or not. He worked for them and, if they thought it was time for him to go, for WHATEVER reason, then they had the right to make that happen.
They ALL rehash old cores and covers. If they were developed while he was working for Ebonite, then they belong to Ebonite, not him, so they can freely rehash whatever they want to. As long as people are buying it, why not?
As for poaching staffers, the staffers change companies like people change socks.
Very few have any brand loyalty, and little reason to stay if someone else makes them a better offer. Just look at Storm. They see somebody get really hot and doing really well, and soon you will see them wearing Storm gear and throwing Storm stuff.
Sorry you are upset about Mr. Hicklands release. It may well have been unfair or unjust, but that’s just life most of the time.
Shit happens in life, and it isn’t always fair shit. I’ve had my share, as has everyone else, including you, and Ron Hickland, I’m sure.