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Author Topic: Old vs New (3D Pearl)  (Read 1465 times)


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Old vs New (3D Pearl)
« on: December 06, 2008, 11:07:25 AM »

I recently found an original 3D Pearl (not the Offset) NIB and drilled it up a couple weeks ago.  Looking at the serial # on the ball, it was manufactured in 1996.  That was 12 years ago.  I bowled with it last night in a second shift league.  Typically, I use my Dry Heat and play around 3rd arrow and play a fade out to 8-10 at the breakpoint.  Last night, I tried that during shadow and the DH would not make the corner (lanes were pretty tight).  So, I pulled out the 3D (2000 abralon with Magic Shine).  I was able to play in that 15 out to 8-10 and had good ball reaction.  Had 8 of the first 9 the first game and the front 9 the second game.  But, once the shot started to break down, the beast was unleashed.  I could open the lane playing 20-22 at the arrows out to 8-10 breakpoint and the 3D wheeled the corner HARD. It hooked as much as anything else I had in the bag, so much that I had to put it up.

With all that being said, just how much more "advanced" is the newer stuff compared to the older stuff?  Granted, I do have a high rev rate and can make just about anything tip up and hit the rack hard.  However, in comparison with newer "technology", the 3D seems to be as strong as alot of the newer balls.  I would put the 3D pearl along side a ball like a Toxic and definitely as strong as the Cherry and Emerald Vibe.  I wonder on the same condition, how much difference in reaction would I see comparing the BW Venom to the 3D Pearl.  Ironically, there is the "hype" of older technology in comparison to newer technology.  But, question is, how different are they really?  Just want to hear your thoughts/opinions more than anything.
Steven Vance
Pro Shop Operator

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Steven Vance
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Re: Old vs New (3D Pearl)
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2008, 07:10:33 PM »
I'm not sure how much different or better today vs. 12yrs ago is, but I do know the 3D's and the 3D offsets were great balls with a great MO weight block design.


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Re: Old vs New (3D Pearl)
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2008, 07:42:27 PM »
I roll my red pearl faball hammer and nail and both roll smooth consistant and carry as well as about anything in my bag.

I really figure its just matching to equipment. Many a times the new equipment transfers too much energy where as my older stuff just lays the pins down plus being able to have such a consistant reaction to the pocket works wonderfully.

Edited on 12/6/2008 8:44 PM


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Re: Old vs New (3D Pearl)
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2008, 08:22:48 PM »
I had one, a 3D pearl, and loved it. It flared a whole bunch, much more than most of today's balls, I believe. Memories.

I believe it would easily matchup with many of today's medium oil pearls.

As I put more games on an old Grey Wolf, I'm finding it hooking more and more and that's just by a 4 - 6 games of "cracking" the shell, NOT wearing a track into it. I'm liking my Visionary Orange Warlock pearl for the same reasonand just bought a 2nd with a longer pin.

These gems from days gone by REMAIN gems on today's conditions.
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Z Jellsey

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Re: Old vs New (3D Pearl)
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2008, 09:07:48 PM »
I have found for THS and lighter VOLUME shots, older balls work as good or better than the new ones for me. I have a couple balls from 97 that I use in league and they strike a lot!

If you try using them on PBA patterns or shots with high volumes, you'll see the big difference! The cores from back then aren't that far behind. The covers are much weaker though!