What does everyone think?
lets get some buzz going on here!
I just signed my new contract with Hammer yesterday and look forward to another exciting successful year with the best equipment around...
that being said...
what does everyone think will be replacing the newly discontinued equipment
1. Raw Hammer Doom
(will be missed dearly)
2. Blue Vibe (first adult 300 with this gem, will never be forgotten)
3. Raw Hammer Toxic (first adult 800 series with the green monster)
4. No Mercy (qualified through the TQR in Reno at the Constructionjobs.com
Championship with this aggressive piece of equipment)
5. No Mercy Beat'n (a trooper to open up the lane)
I am honestly CLUELESS to what will be coming out this summer around bowl expo time and am very excited for Christmas come early...
so lets throw some ideas out there... what does everyone think ?
one possible guess I have might be a new High Line since both No Mercy's have been discontinued... I have no idea what it would be, but am giddy at the idea of the possibility...
anyways Hammerheads have at it!!!
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."