I have a two hander that is going out to Team USA trials this year who is in love with his Raw Hammer Series. He has a black widow but it is wayy too strong out of his hand(s). Here are his stats from Ebonite BowlersMAP:
Release Speed: 21.4mph
RPMS: 515rpms
Tilt: 8 degrees
Degree of Rotation: 55deg
PAP: 5" right, 1" up
I am thinking the pattern he will struggle on the most is the short pattern. Rather than going to weaker choices like the Pure Hammer or some older urethanes that will neglect read in the midlane, I was thinking something stronger with a weak pin position and smooth cover prep.
One of these I was going to set up over his middle finger so it's around a 5" in to PAP with a hole deep on his PAP for more of a hook/stop reaction out of his release. One I was going to set up pin under bridge with a 135 degree layout and a weighthole on the negative side on the negative side of the bowtie for more control down lane.
Which out of the Hawg and Hawg Wild is the stronger off the spot, and which one is more sensitive to oil down lane? I am having a hard time differentiating these balls as I haven't seen many use them, but whichever one was sharper around the turn I was going to set up with the 135degree layout. The other I was going to lay out 5x0 with the hole on the PAP. I'll take any advice or drilling suggestions on each.