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Heavy oil ball
« on: July 05, 2013, 09:38:45 PM »
What Hammer ball in the current line up is the most aggressive in oil? Something that compares to stuff like the Defiant, Sync, and Enigma.



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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2013, 10:19:07 PM »
Wait for the amp, nothing currently available to the public is really in that league without a specific layout and surface change IMO.
-MOTIV Staff


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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2013, 10:53:46 AM »
First blood can handle oil very well

Not without adding some serious surface and even then it won't approach the oil handling capabilities of an Enigma, Defiant, or Sync...  OOB it's a medium oil ball for the majority of bowlers.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 11:19:47 AM by J_Mac »


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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2013, 11:10:32 AM »
I agree with J-Mac. Unless you are severely rev dominant, I just don't see the First Blood reading the pattern. I've seen the FB work well on medium THS or lower volume patterns. There are far better options on the market to fit this bill.
Tom M.


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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2013, 05:32:17 PM »
Havent tried the sync or defiant but had the enigma and my first blood out hooked the enigma by alot.

Then you weren't on heavy oil... amount of hook has absolutely NO bearing on how much oil is being handled.


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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2013, 06:01:06 PM »
Well,ive been bowling long enough to judge how much a ball hooks.I bowl on a med/heavy house pattern and never had a problem  with my FB handling whatever volume of oil they put out but  enigma would skid and never im comparing my experience using both balls

Then you've got a seriously condition specific layout on the Enigma, an oil soaked/over-polished Enigma, or you have a misguided sense of "skid" versus "roll"


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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2013, 07:48:57 PM »
What was the surface of the FB? What are your stats? I drilled up a bunch of FB as well as Syncs, defiant souls and other heavy oilers. The FB looks good on our 42ft med oil pattern and out performs Syncs and a lot of other heavy oil balls. But that's because we're on old wood and the balls are burning off too much energy and laboring to get to the break. If we took them to a true 4k finish with polish . . . They all came to life and started to show what they have. My Sync sits in my bag, drilled it strong, same as my Nano Solid. But I left the Sync dull. On most patterns the Sync is way too much. But the polished Nano makes the Sync look very weak. I'm not questioning you're judgement, I've never seen you bowl or the conditions that are normal in your area. This is my opinion based on my experience running a pro shop in my home town.
Tom M.


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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2013, 07:59:25 PM »
Well,ive been bowling long enough to judge how much a ball hooks.I bowl on a med/heavy house pattern and never had a problem  with my FB handling whatever volume of oil they put out but  enigma would skid and never im comparing my experience using both balls

Then you've got a seriously condition specific layout on the Enigma, an oil soaked/over-polished Enigma, or you have a misguided sense of "skid" versus "roll"

I'll agree with J_Mac on this one.  Generally, the Enigma is supposed to be stronger than the First Blood.  However, if the Enigma is used on lighter volume patterns, the ball will puke on the backend because the flare potential was used up front.  Because the motion was used up front, it will lose its energy in back and you'll get very little movement.  That's what makes the ball look like it is not hooking when in reality all the hook potential was used in the front of the lane.

Another example would be my own arsenal with my Defiant and Frantic.  If I'm on a long or high volume pattern, the Defiant will always shine and my Frantic will skid too much.  Go to lighter volumes, and it's the opposite.  The Frantic will have much more motion because the Defiant will have used it's flare potential up front and then lost it's energy in the back. 

Around where I live, there are only 2 centers that I can even throw my heavy oil Defiant.  That's strictly because of the heavy volume at 1 place, and because of the synthetic surface (Anvilane) at the other.  Even then, most times I don't have to unless I'm on a sport short or 43'+ long pattern.

My opinion is that the oil volumes are what's causing the First Blood to appear stronger than the Enigma.  I'm not knocking your judgement or knowledge. but I think that the volume is too light for the Enigma to be effective, or you may  not be playing deep enough with it.  Keep in the mind that the Enigma is a true heavy oil ball.  You need oil and plenty of it to be effective.  90% of standard THS will never have the volumes of oil needed to use a ball that strong.  It's also probably why you're getting a good look with the First Blood, because it is a good match for the volume of the pattern at your specific center.  From what I saw this year in my league, the First Blood is great on medium and some medium-heavy patterns.

Now, depending on how long you've had the Enigma, it's typically a good idea to do a bake the ball/throw it in the Rejuvenator and do a resurface after every 50-70 games.  The covers with the Enigma, Defiant, Sync, 912T, etc, will soak up a ton of oil.  Those covers will require more maintenance to keep them in top shape.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 08:05:16 PM by tommyboy74 »
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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2013, 10:55:43 PM »
All I was doing was posting my opinion on hammer equipment and basically get attacked by jmac.I really dont  care what the other balls will or wont do..I know what my hammers will do for me and thats all I worry about

I dont think it was an attack as much as it was just someone stating the facts as to why your First Blood hooks more than the Enigma.  By design if the balls are used on the conditions they are intended, there is no way that a FB outhooks an Enigma.  IF it does, then I am going back to the pro shop for an explanaion unless the balls were set up so that the FB does outhook the Enigma. Maybe that is the case for you.  But, as a guy who is well knowledged from a pro shop standpoint; the Enigma is the biggest hooking ball out of the EBI camp. 

Nobody is doubting what you are seeing.  We are just telling what the balls are supposed to be by design.  Thats all.
Steven Vance
Former Pro Shop Operator
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Re: Heavy oil ball
« Reply #9 on: July 08, 2013, 04:14:11 PM »
The AMP is THE BALL for the heavier patterns that we have for the Hammer line up.... This ball is released on August 13th.

The First Blood really shines when the pattern has been broken down a little bit and you need to get in & send it out. This ball gets better when you need to keep chasing the oil later in the night...

The other ball you might want to try would be the Arson Hybrid or the new Absolut Curve with some surface (2000). This ball is a ABSOLUT monster of a ball. Love this ball out of all 3 of the new stuff.
Michael Thompson
Hammer Amateur Staff Member