I love bowling on the reverse block. However, not the first time I saw it.

I bowled in a tournie and started with a 150 game. I then took out my Tropical Storm to shoot at a spare and got a sweet reaction, made an adjustment off of that, and saved the 2nd game with a 190, then finished the last 3 nothing less than 211. I still missed the cut by 15 pins, but the next time I saw the pattern, I just plugged away with 190's and nothing higher than 220 and qualified in the top 5.
I like it in a tournament format because most people don't know how to play it and the scores are always really low and for me it's like my B game. The key though is when you don't strike, to square up to your spares and go right at them with something plastic. That might be the most difficult part of the pattern once you find a line to the hole.
Formerly SGC300