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Author Topic: terrible night  (Read 2443 times)


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terrible night
« on: February 21, 2007, 02:35:55 AM »
How do you bowl on lanes that are dry in the middle with oil on the outside?I had a 474 last night with this shot.I bowl on inconsistant lanes but never this bad.What ball would help on this?


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: terrible night
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2007, 10:38:37 AM »
Play the oil.  I usually move left (I'm a lefty) and take a weak reactive piece and shoot it up the oil with low ball speed and let the ball do the work.  On top of just your first ball, you need to shoot straight at all of your spares, because with no oil in the middle, the ball is going to take off on you.
Formerly SGC300


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Re: terrible night
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2007, 11:36:42 AM »
If you can change hand positions just take a little off your axis of rotation and go straight up the oil on the outside.  If you have an eye for direction you should be able to go right through the oil at the pocket and get some decent back end.  Otherwise get something thats a medium grit/polish, increase your speed, and go right up the gut.


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Re: terrible night
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2007, 11:53:53 AM »
Thanks,ill try that if i see this condition again.I hope not.I average 174 but for the past 5 weeks its been 205,and then they throw that shot at

Monster Stitch

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Re: terrible night
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2007, 12:23:34 PM »
I totally agree with everyone. Take a dull medium or aggressive ball and play up the oil. Speed is the key. Also use an up the back release so you have more forward roll.


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Re: terrible night
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2007, 02:56:47 PM »
Sounds like a reverse block. What works for me is to take a ball that is designed to get long through the heads and flips hard and play the lanes real deep. I try not to get the ball out past 12. This isnt an easy pattern to score on and the length of oil will dictate how hard or easy it will play. How did everyone else score while you were bowling on those lanes?

I recently bowled a tournament with these conditions. Over a 3 game block the high was 660 with 590 making it to match play. I scored 550 leaving to many spares behind.

Edited on 2/21/2007 3:56 PM


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Re: terrible night
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2007, 03:05:27 PM »
This is a reverse block condition.  Now tackling this type of pattern is really dependant on how dry the middles are.  I have been bowling on a long reverse block condition the last 3 weeks of league.  

The pattern at my league is 46'-48' med oil from 2nd arrow in.  From 2nd arrow outside is very heavy oil.  So this is similar to what your talking about but it sounds as if your middles are a lot more dry.  Plus your pattern may not be as long.

The first thing I would try and figure out is the length of the oil in the middle.  Then try to figure out where the Out Of Bounds starts.  This will let you know how far out you can go with the ball.  Let's say the OOB starts at the 2nd arrow.  Well then you could kind of look at the 2nd arrow all the way down the lane as the gutter.  Just avoid that outside part of the lane at all times.

I would use a ball that does not read the mid lanes much but has a good back end reaction.  Then try and play straight until a hook spot develops.

If your going to play a deep line just make sure it's tight and not swung too wide.
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Re: terrible night
« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2007, 07:14:45 AM »
Definitely square up and play the oil.  This will be the most consistent ball reaction you will have.  Ideally, find a ball that will allow you to play your "A" release  If this does not work for you, you will need to manipulate your release.

Good Luck!
Chris Heringer
Cincinnati, Ohio
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Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: terrible night
« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2007, 07:25:58 AM »
I love bowling on the reverse block.  However, not the first time I saw it.  I bowled in a tournie and started with a 150 game.  I then took out my Tropical Storm to shoot at a spare and got a sweet reaction, made an adjustment off of that, and saved the 2nd game with a 190, then finished the last 3 nothing less than 211.  I still missed the cut by 15 pins, but the next time I saw the pattern, I just plugged away with 190's and nothing higher than 220 and qualified in the top 5.

I like it in a tournament format because most people don't know how to play it and the scores are always really low and for me it's like my B game.  The key though is when you don't strike, to square up to your spares and go right at them with something plastic.  That might be the most difficult part of the pattern once you find a line to the hole.

Formerly SGC300