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Author Topic: Help Choosing a Ball  (Read 871 times)


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Help Choosing a Ball
« on: August 25, 2009, 03:27:36 PM »
Hey Hammerheads,

My dad is a big fan of Hammer gear.  At the house we are at, he currently has the red Widow Pearl, and a Blue Vibe.  They're drilled similarly, and give him great a great 1-2 punch.  We are thinking about going to a new house that has quite a bit of oil, enough to make either of these two balls skate and hit like wet n00dles.  My question is:  what ball would be good for heavier oil?  I see the BW Sting is out, and the Jigsaw.  I'm not sure which would be a better fit for the thicker stuff.  

I just know that I threw a Jigsaw, and I did not like the reaction one bit, lol.  It had too much mid-lane and it made the backend weak.  Has anybody else had this type of reaction with their Jigsaw?  I haven't thrown it yet, but I've seen the Sting and really love the Widow shape.  The stronger cover makes this my number one choice for dad so far, but I'm curious to see what the Hammerheads say.

Thanks for any and all input/advice!
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Mr Hurt24

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Re: Help Choosing a Ball
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2009, 02:05:36 PM »
Sounds like when you threw the JS its probably burned up and hit weak in the back. I threw one as well at a demo day and the ball was way too strong for the house condition put out there. I can see the JS being a beast on long and heavier stuff. But you cant go wrong with the Black Widow Sting. Im very impressed with this ball and my opinion, it is the strongest of all the widows. Let's just hope it doesnt die real fast. I say go with the JS and drill it mild and maybe add some polish to it.

Black Widow Solid
Pearl Cherry Bomb
Urethane Black Hammer (spare ball)

Honor Scores
299 Big Time Pearl
299, 300 Cherry Bomb
836, 2 300 BW Solid
300 No Mercy
300, 804 Hy Road

Edited on 8/26/2009 2:06 PM

Paradox Trilogy
Impulse Solid
Venom Shock
Primal Rage
Cherry Vibe
Black Widow Urethane
Black Urethane