Hey AL. If we're talking really dry(like if you're trying to play more up the ditch in Capital Plaza), I honestly don't think Hammer has an answer for that. From what I've seen of the Sharp Blade, it's pretty aggressive but controlling friction, it doesn't do well unless you're going with a more controlled layout.
For you I would try something with a lower diff and maybe a pin in the palm type drill or 1 or 2 inches pin from the PAP.
The Switch Blade isn't actually all that aggressive. I put the pin over the ring finger in mine which was almost 5 inches from the PAP and it handled dry very well, but of course you have a much stronger revrate than I do. The Switch might be the ticket, just drill it to take all of that built in flare out of the equation.
Their dry lane ball is coming in late May so we'll see what it is.