Thanks for the feedback.
Met with the bowler last night at the lanes, checked his span...1/4" long, checked his thumb pitch angles....1/4 rev (he drops some...needs 1/8 as per chart), Has 1/4 plus left pitch!!!( coke bottle test is 1/8 right). He says ball actually hurts his wrist to throw. Imagine that...hmmm. As it turns out, his span ended being almost exact as mine, pitches and all, so he tossed my plastic spare ball and we nailed down his correct PAP, which increased to 5 1/2 o and 5/8 up, on a ball that fit him. He said it felt better than any ball he has used. So I had him toss my NM drilled #1 that would give him a 4 1/2 pin to PAP, pin above ring.....first 4 on a fresh league pair, with that same look I see in everyones eyes that throws one of these for the first time. No pain anymore either.
He does not want to give the other guy a chance to fix ( I don't blame him in this case ) But may have an issue with plug and redrill....ball has a misaligned cg and heavy top. To give him a #1 will be impossible without a negative placed weight hole, and to give him a #2 drill will weaken ball slightly. Any other 4-5" pin to PAP and thumb in track will be even worse on the negative weight issue. He really needs a new ball. I may call the driller and run this by him diplomatically, but will probably make an enemy instead. I would want to know if I had an unhappy customer.
Thanks, Al