Anyone else go to PA State Tourney in N. Versailles? Did the trifecta on Saturday as I live 2 hours from Pittsburgh. Did singles/doubles at 11, then team at 4. Decided to take a complete arsenal with me, 6 balls in all. As anyone knows, they give you 2 practice balls per lane for first set. No practice balls for consecutive sets. Used my benchmark ball, Big Rig Diesel, to guage the shot. After 2 balls I knew there would be no use for any others. In fact, I used the Big Rig the entire day for all 9 games. Team event wasn't even in the same house, but no matter; Big Rig Diesel ruled the lanes! Was able to play up 10 all day with this ball and it never faltered. Naturally I did, but when I hit my mark and stayed accurate with my speed, the Rig just couldn't do no wrong. Witnessed many others struggle with over/under all day with the latest and greatest offerings currently out there. Does anyone else feel this is one of the best, most versatile ball that Hammer has produced? I had a Big Block Diesel last year and although both were strong resin balls, the Big Block doesn't even compare to the Big Rig in terms of predictability and roll. I've only had the ball for a couple months (again, Revlefty, cannot thank you enough for this gem)
and the confidence this ball has given me (after a late season slump) is unbelievable. Cannot believe Hammer discontinued this one (and entire Diesel lineup). Maybe it's a combination of core/coverstock and drilling I have on this one, but barring the most extreme conditions, this ball can handle a wide variety of lane conditions. Just curious if anyone else has had the sucess I've had. Call me the Chitown of the Big Rig Diesel. If I could somehow fit a Doom into the lineup...