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Author Topic: BWP or No Beat'n?  (Read 3467 times)


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BWP or No Beat'n?
« on: November 07, 2007, 11:30:13 AM »
Which would you perfer? A Black Widow Pearl, or a No Mercy Beat'n? Kind of looking for something Medium to heavy. been running into some problems. sometimes theres too much oil for my rampage, but not enough for my resurgence. want something in between. what do you guys think?
Hammer Black Widow
Brunswick BVP Rampage
Columbia 300 Resurgence



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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 07:34:33 PM »
i would so neither go with a solid black widow.


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2007, 07:35:01 PM »
nvm i see u have one go with the pearl compliments the solid very well


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2007, 07:38:26 PM »
well my widow isnt doing much anymore. plus wanted something new. what do you think?
Hammer Black Widow
Brunswick BVP Rampage
Columbia 300 Resurgence


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2007, 07:49:36 PM »
well i have not thrown the beat'n but i love my black widow pearl very stong on the backends and clean through the heads. It depends on how much oil you will be seeing if u see more med hvy oil go with the beat'n if more medium conditions go with the pearl

Matt Fortney

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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2007, 07:58:20 PM »
I would go with the No Mercy Beat'n. I'm not sure if it would fit very well between the rampage and the resurgence...never thrown either. they're both great balls...the NMB and the BWP, but if I had to choose, I'd choose beat'n all the way. Seems a little easier to use on a wider variety of conditions, and carry-down doesn't seem to affect it quite as much as the BWP.

Hammer Pride Staff

"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer"


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2007, 11:39:47 PM »
Yeah, go with the Beat'n!  I have one myself, and I was going to it this past Monday night when my Eraser wasn't making the turn on the back.


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2007, 04:42:02 AM »
Between those two, Beat'N. As with the original, be careful of the drill you put on it or you'll hate the ball. IMO, to many went with the #1 drill on the original NM and didn't get the Heart in the track or used a "close" PAP and the ball just wouldn't perform as they expected. I hope your driller knows your PAP and from what I found, the NM lowered my track almost 3/4 inch, just so you'll know. I think that core lowers folks tracks for some reason and if you don't get the heart in or really close to your track you'll not like the ball.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Edited on 11/8/2007 5:42 AM


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #8 on: November 08, 2007, 08:23:21 AM »
but i heard that the beat'n was for heavy oil? im looking for medium-heavy.
Hammer Black Widow
Brunswick BVP Rampage
Columbia 300 Resurgence


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2007, 08:40:14 AM »
You are the one who listed the Beat'N, I just went off your choices. If you don't think it'll work for you, then why list it as an option ? I do not, as many here do not know the real conditions you see. To many folks list several balls, ask which would work, then when someone says something about a ball they say it wouldn't work for them.

Do your research online. Each company has listed balls and what they are designed for. Sure, some are over rated as far as oil conditions. That's where you ask folks in your center when they have that ball. It is nice to ask folks about how it works for them, but remember, they may or may not have the same "medium or heavy oil" conditions you see or I see, that's something only those who throw the ball on your lanes could answer.

Happy Hunting, whatever you decide.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2007, 09:37:45 AM »
I use my Beat N' on medium conditions all the time. But be prepared to play on the  inside of the 3rd arrow. If you are not comfortable with this line look elsewhere.


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2007, 05:26:20 PM »
You are the one who listed the Beat'N, I just went off your choices. If you don't think it'll work for you, then why list it as an option ? I do not, as many here do not know the real conditions you see. To many folks list several balls, ask which would work, then when someone says something about a ball they say it wouldn't work for them.

Do your research online. Each company has listed balls and what they are designed for. Sure, some are over rated as far as oil conditions. That's where you ask folks in your center when they have that ball. It is nice to ask folks about how it works for them, but remember, they may or may not have the same "medium or heavy oil" conditions you see or I see, that's something only those who throw the ball on your lanes could answer.

Happy Hunting, whatever you decide.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

not that im not listening to others advice i was just curious since thats what i heard from other people. i just wanted to make sure it was correct or not. i understand that some people may use different balls on different lane conditions, i was just wondering cause i dont want something to be like my resurgence. that is a heavy oil ball that just rolls out when i play it medium-dry.
Hammer Black Widow
Brunswick BVP Rampage
Columbia 300 Resurgence


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2007, 05:42:57 PM »
Just your reply IS my point ! First you say Medium-Heavy, now you say Medium-Dry ? YOU need to decide what you want, what conditions you want it for. You ask for help on one condition, then when someone say a ball, you change your mind on the conditions.

My suggestion to you is decide what conditions you want the ball for. Then, go to the different companies websites and look for yourself. Make a list of 3,4,5 balls you wonder about and then ask. Stick to whatever condition you see, do your research !

True, it's great to know how others use/have sucess or faults of one ball or the other, that's a great way to learn. There is NO ball, as far as I know, that is good for med/heavy to med/dry so decide what you are playing on.

Maybe I'm just a grump but it's difficult to suggest  a ball only for you to change the conditions.

I hope you find what you are looking for. You'll have to do it without any more posts from me, which is no big loss on your part but some others may get as frustrated with you as I have and you'll be on your own.

Good Luck !
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: BWP or No Beat'n?
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2007, 12:23:57 AM »
Just your reply IS my point ! First you say Medium-Heavy, now you say Medium-Dry ? YOU need to decide what you want, what conditions you want it for. You ask for help on one condition, then when someone say a ball, you change your mind on the conditions.

My suggestion to you is decide what conditions you want the ball for. Then, go to the different companies websites and look for yourself. Make a list of 3,4,5 balls you wonder about and then ask. Stick to whatever condition you see, do your research !

True, it's great to know how others use/have sucess or faults of one ball or the other, that's a great way to learn. There is NO ball, as far as I know, that is good for med/heavy to med/dry so decide what you are playing on.

Maybe I'm just a grump but it's difficult to suggest  a ball only for you to change the conditions.

I hope you find what you are looking for. You'll have to do it without any more posts from me, which is no big loss on your part but some others may get as frustrated with you as I have and you'll be on your own.

Good Luck !
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

actually i was refering to my resurgence rolling out on medium-dry which is not what i want. sorry for the fustration. ill figure this out on my own then.
Hammer Black Widow
Brunswick BVP Rampage
Columbia 300 Resurgence