I had one drilled up today and its pin above the ring cg under and mb at about 65 degrees down and to the right of the thumb..
I can tell you this ball OOB does not like oil. I used it on fresh and the ball just skated. But then again, I did not expect a ball 4000 abralon and then highly polished to be good on oil. I really hope people are not gonna buy this ball and think its for use on heavier oil shots, because its not. I will say, once the lanes broke down some, the ball was a monster. Tons of backend and much longer than the original BW solid..
I will be drilling up and Anger in the next couple of days. That will be my ball for heavier oil patterns..
All in all, looking forward to some more games on this ball.. I might tweek the cover some, not sure yet. I am just not a big believer in making a ball do something its not intended to do.. The BWP is for medium oil with carrydown, so thats what I will use it for..
I can say this for whatever its worth, it sure is a very "pretty" ball, LOL..
I think the great slump of 2006-2007 is finally coming to an end!!
Edited on 6/19/2007 11:12 PM