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Author Topic: I AM SO MAD!!!!!1  (Read 1861 times)


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I AM SO MAD!!!!!1
« on: February 28, 2006, 04:06:43 AM »
I was bowling with my 3 day old doom and tornado last night, when my tornado came back with a HUGE cut/burn mark on it.  About 3 inches long and 1 and a half inches wide.  I move lanes, and then my dang DOOM comes back with the same mark, just not quite as deep or long.  The manager reordered me a tornado, but wants to try and get the mark out of the doom with a dang resurfacing!  I am SCARED to death that it will lose its reaction if it is.  He should be ordering me a new one if you ask me, but i am not one to complain that much.  I will keep you guys updated, and also, have any of you resurfaced a doom, and what were the results.
I am the official PRINCIPAL of the NU SKOOL.  In my skool, all pupils will throw OLD SKOOL equipment.  One may have a new ball or two, but the primary ball must be OLD SKOOL.  Newer is not always better.



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Re: I AM SO MAD!!!!!1
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2006, 06:38:16 AM »
If you put the same surface on the Doom, it should be alright. However, because of this, you are forced to resurface it already and it will definitely be smaller in circumference due to this resurface. If it was fairly new, I would explain to the manager that this is removing some of the life you had expected from the ball. It's only around $100. That is the least he could do IMO.
If the average isn't 300, then keep practicing and be humble!!


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Re: I AM SO MAD!!!!!1
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2006, 09:08:07 AM »
Charles makes a great point.  I would tell him that you want both replaced and don't want the ball resurfaced.  I don't know if you will get the same box reaction back BUT I'M SURE IT WILL STILL BE AN AWESOME REACTION.  You can always polish it with magic shine.  I bet that would really cause this ball to flip hard.  Magic shine is some great polish.


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Re: I AM SO MAD!!!!!1
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 05:52:38 AM »
Is it a cut ? or a burn mark ? If it's a belt burn mark, let me know. I came up with a cleaner that gets belt (rubber marks) off with little effort and I'll send you a bottle if that's the case. If it's a cut, then this won't help.

The center we bowl in used to have a problem with belt marks and there wasn't anything I could find to get them off very easily, so I started playing around with different cleaners and came up with the stuff I use now. It comes off with a rag and not much rubbing. Three weeks ago I had a Hawg Wild come back with rubber caked on it, cleaned it and found a 3/4 inch cut about 80% around the ball. They are replacing the Hawg Wild, needless to say.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Sleep is over rated.