I have to agree with Splendorlex here. From what I gather from this post, You're bowling a year and a half, ave 160, throwing a Big One straight down 2nd arrow. The BW is much too strong in the backend. I would never suggest to anyone to have a strong assym ball as a one ball arsenal. Strong assyms. are way too condition specific to be used exclusively. I'd have to say you should go for a nice mid-range ball, with a symmetrical core. They are versatile, most repond well to changes in your release giving you a variety of looks and reactions. I personally favor Ebonite equipment, IMO something in their element line would be good for you, The Whirlwind or the Black Ice are both very good, versatile balls, The Doom might work for you if you put in a control drilling in it. You should also pick up a cheap plastic ball to shoot spares with.