I find this very interesting! I have a friend who normally carries between a 203 avg, and a 210 avg in about three different houses. He is a very respected bowler. He has two differntly drill BW's. When he first got these balls,he was tearing up the house. Didn't matter which house! He was crushing the competition regularly.
About halfway thru the season, he went into a slump, and has yet to recover. He continues to use his BW's with varying results, week to week! He is extremely frustrated right now.
He came out for a practice session one day. I asked if I could throw both his pieces. He said, sure. He has one BW drilled for length, with roll, pin over the ring and cg kicked out slightly. And the other a bit stronger drilled, with the pin down and cg closer to his pap.
In throwing these balls, neither of them did what I expected them to do, based on the drilling they had. Both were over/under like crazy! The one I expected to give a smooth but strong arc just bended ever so slowly, and the other which I expected to see length and a strong backend reaction, tried to hook off the lanes! It was, to say the least........bizarre.
Maybe this is what happens when they become oil-soaked? I don't know. But Crusher, you are not the only one who is dealing with some squirrly Black Widows!
Duct tape is like 'The Force'. It has a light side and a dark side, but it still holds the universe together.
Some days you're the bug; some days you're the windshield.