Just to add to this topic I will agree with previous posters (Chitown mainly) in the fact that the Toxic overreacts off dry and skates in the oil, the Doom is one of the best balls i'ver ever had and have a new one coming sometime in the next month or so to fill a hole in my arsenal (My old one lost the fight with the ball return).
Just from my observation i'd get lesson and bake/water bath, and resurface the Doom and I would put money on it its either you and the ball or more of just you but don't give up on the doom, mine had 200+ games on it and was still going strong, no resurfaces, just regular cleaning.
Now i'd suggest not getting the Toxic, TNV up to you, i'd just worry about adjusting to the lanes more, that black widow and Doom can get you a long, long way and the Action and Black Hammer take care of the extremes.
Now do as you please and update us on the toxic but be ready for an I told you so if it doesn't work out.
Just another aspiring junior bowler who hasn't hit full stride yet.