Ok, since the theme in todays bowling world is create a core then surrond it with all forms of coverstocks (reactive solid/pearl, particle solid/pearl) I have thunk up a couple of new ideas/names for Hammer balls:
The Big Deal- solid reactive with the AON core, similar coverstock as the V2 Strong/R to get a ton of overall hook.
The Done Deal- Pearl Reactive with AON core, using coverstock from the Blade Pearl or the V2 Pearl, getting a very skid/snap reaction.
The Blade Trinity- If Storm can use movie/tv show names on their ball, why cant Hammer? Classic hammer core with a particle pearl coverstock used on the Viscous PP.
Of course I would love to see the "Classic" Blue Hammer re-released with the "Blade" core and a newer Urethane coverstock that rivals the Thunderflash U-2000 cover. That ball would sell big time I am sure.