Well mmcfarland at that particular time when i had the bite, the ball was slowly losing its reaction and i clean that ball vigorously before it somehow crack on me and I just dont know how that happened. Just a bad ball I guess. The Anger was a ball i brought used and when that ball reaction went away, I revived it with the rejuvenator and it was there for a while but then the reaction was gone again in less than 30 games. The BW pearl was just a bad match up with me but for some reason I dont match up well with pearlized balls. I make sure i clean my bowling balls after every session with alcohol, clean n dull, and give it the bath treatment from time to time. Now the BWS that ive had for almost 3 yrs and over 1000 games on it has stood the test of time and still my most reliable ball. Ive clean, rejuvenated, resurface, washer machine the hell out the ball and it stills reacts the same.
No Mercy
Black Widow Solid
Hy Road
Hot Sauce Pearl
Pearl Cherry Bomb
Urethane Black Hammer (spare ball)
Honor Scores
299 Big Time Pearl
299, 300 Cherry Bomb
836, 2 300 BW Solid
300 No Mercy
300, 804 Hy Road