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Author Topic: Is Sling Blade significantly different from Pearl Blade?  (Read 1674 times)


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Is Sling Blade significantly different from Pearl Blade?
« on: January 18, 2004, 09:47:05 PM »
I am looking to get a ball that I can use when the lanes are too dry for me to use my Pearl Blade comfortably.  After reading Hammer ball reviews it seems that the Sling Blade may be the ball for me, but I want to make abosuletly sure that it is different enough from my Pearl Blade to warrant purchasing it.

My Pearl Blade has 1.5" pin, under ring-finger and the cg in the palm.  My PAP is usually 1" up and 4.5" over.   If the Sling Blade sounds like a good choice for me to use on drier conditions, how would you recommend laying it out?  Basically, I would like the ball to get me back out there playing close to where I was before the shot burnt up.  

When the lanes get real dry, I turn to my Storm Orange I am looking for this ball to fall between my Pearl Blade and the Flame.


D Scott Johnson

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Re: Is Sling Blade significantly different from Pearl Blade?
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2004, 01:08:53 PM »
I am looking to get a ball that I can use when the lanes are too dry for me to use my Pearl Blade comfortably. After reading Hammer ball reviews it seems that the Sling Blade may be the ball for me, but I want to make abosuletly sure that it is different enough from my Pearl Blade to warrant purchasing it.

In my opinion, I would say no.  My Sling Blade is a little earlier rolling that the Blue Pearl Blade.  The Blue Pearl Blade is so smooth and goes long.  The Sling Blade is more ball than the Pearl Blade.  At this point, Hammer does not have anything weaker than the Pearl Blade.  Except, of course, the Red Urethane Hammer.  I wish Hammer would develop a higher rg ball in a weaker pearl that would fit into the spot you are looking for.  But, right now, they don't.  Hope this helps.



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Re: Is Sling Blade significantly different from Pearl Blade?
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2004, 01:31:33 PM »
Yes, the Blue Pearl is by FAR the smoothest ball I have owned and most of my honor scores where accomplished using it.  It's too bad that Hammer doesn't have a weaker pearl in their line-up.

Currently I am using the old, original Orange Messenger Pearl for when the lanes are too dry for the Blue Pearl.  It is really beat-up and I would like something new to replace it.  The closest ball that I can find to the Orange Messenger configuration is the pearl Jekyll from Columbia.  The core is similar and they have the same coverstock.  Do you think that would do the trick for me?

Edited on 1/19/2004 2:29 PM